Recent News
The Village of Eagle staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
March Parks & Rec Meeting
The Eagle Parks & Rec Commission will have its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, March 12 at the Eagle Municipal Office (747 S. 2nd St.), beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Now Hiring for Seasonal Pool Employees
The Village of Eagle is now accepting applications for Pool Manager, Assistant Managers & Lifeguards for the 2025 season. Please CLICK HERE for an employment application today!
Now Hiring--Full Time Public Works
The Village of Eagle is currently accepting applications for a full time Public Works employee. This position requires a variety of duties including the operation and maintenance of light, medium and heavy equipment such as street sweepers, snowplow trucks, backhoes, skid steers and mowing equipment; operation of the well system and wastewater treatment facility; routine building and property grounds maintenance; general repair and maintenance of equipment; and experience in basic plumbing and construction or maintenance techniques. Municipal or maintenance background preferred. Candidate must have a valid Nebraska driver's license. Physical and background check required upon offer of employment. Certification as a Class IV Water Operator and Class II Wastewater Operator desired or may be required within six (6) months of employment. Salary range is $15.00-$20.00 per hour (without Water and/or Sewer License); $18.00-$28.00 per hour (with a single Water or Sewer License); and $23.00-$33.00 per hour (with both a Water and Sewer License). Benefits package includes health, dental, vision, disability/life insurance, retirement, paid vacation, holidays and sick leave. Applications can be obtained at the Village of Eagle office located at 747 South 2nd Street, Eagle, NE 68347 or online at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please contact Nick Nystrom at 402-781-2748 or by email at [email protected] for additional job description information.
Chipping Season Ends October 7, 2024
The final day of brush chipping for the season will be MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2024. Any brush piles left after the deadline will be the property owner's responsibility to remove. Please plan accordingly. Thank you!
Eagle Community Needs Assessment Results
The results of the Eagle Community Needs Assessment Survey are now available. Please click here
Eagle Pool Temporarily Closed for Cleaning
The Eagle Pool will be closed on August 1, 2024 until further notice due to storm debris creating safety hazards for swimmers. Staff will be working on cleanup efforts throughout the day. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
August Parks & Rec Meeting
The Eagle Parks & Rec Commission will be meeting Tuesday, August 6th at the Eagle Municipal Park (Weather Permitting) or the Eagle Municipal Office (747 S. 2nd St.), beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Eagle Pool - 2024 Season Closing Date
The Eagle Pool's last day for the season is Sunday, August 11, 2024. Please plan your visits accordingly. We'll see you in Summer 2025!
Pool Party with Eagle Parks & Rec - July 25th
Eagle Parks & Rec is hosting a pool party on July 25th from 7:00-9:00 p.m! Bring your kids to our final hosted pool party of the summer which is a free event for the community! Hot dogs and drinks will be offered until they run out! Hope to see you there!
Pool Party with Eagle Parks & Rec
Eagle Parks & Rec is hosting a Pool Party on July 11th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Bring your kids to our first hosted pool party which is a free event for the community! Pizza and drinks will be offered until they run out. Hope to see you there!
Town Hall Meeting - Community Needs Assessment Survey
Members of the Eagle community are invited to a Town Hall Meeting to share the results of the recent Community Needs Assessment Survey.
Eagle Community Needs Survey - Deadline Extended
Eagle Community Needs Assessment Survey
May Parks & Rec Meeting
The Eagle Parks & Rec Commission will be meeting tonight, Tuesday, May 28th at the Eagle Municipal Park (Weather Permitting) or the Eagle Municipal Office (747 S. 2nd St.), beginning at 6:00 p.m.
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